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Resisted Inversion

Resisted Inversion


Indications:  Who should do resisted inversion exercises?

Patients with weakness of the muscles on the inside of the ankle (ex. Posterior tibia tendon) may benefit from exercises to strengthen their ankle inverters – the muscles that moves the ankle and foot inwards (Figure 1A and 1B).  Muscle weakness often occurs with disuse following surgery or an ankle or foot injury. As well exercises to increase ankle inversion strength are often prescribed as treatment for patients with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (Acquired Adult Flatfoot Deformity).

How is it done?

A stretching band is attached to a fixed object such as a doorknob and then wrapped around the inside of the foot (Figure 1). The foot is then moved in an inward direction against resistance.  This motion is repeated 10-20 times.  A total of 3-6 sets should be performed.



Edited September 19, 2015

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