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Cam Walker

Cam Walker

(Walking Boot)

Edited by Paul Juliano, MD


Cam walkers are often used following foot or ankle surgery or after an injury. These devices help protect the injured area. They provide relative immobilization. They also allow for some limited walking (if this is indicated), and will serve to disperse the force of walking more evenly up the leg, due to the rigid sole and the rounded (rocker-bottom contour) of the sole.

Cam walkers add 1″-2″ of extra height, and this combined with favoring the injured or healing side will often lead to a very uneven limp (asymmetric gait). This will tend to aggravate the back, hip, or knee. Secondary symptoms in this area are common when recovering from foot or ankle surgery or injury. To help counteract this, it is helpful to wear a shoe with an equivalent lift on the opposite foot.



Edited February 19, 2019

mf/ 9.10.18



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